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Dashboard Builder for Microsoft Access
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Using the WHERE clause with the SQL SELECT Statement:

You can create more powerful SQL SELECT queries by using the WHERE clause to choose to display only specific rows contained in the database table. The WHERE clause is used to filter the data that the SELECT statement would return in the result set. We use the WHERE clause to specify a value to identify one or more rows in the database table.

We will use the following syntax to execute an SQL SELECT query with a WHERE clause:

SELECT column_list
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name conditional_operator value

We can also use the following Conditional Operators with our SQL WHERE clause:

Operator Descriptions
= Equal To
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or Equal To
<= Less Than or Equal To
<> Not Equal To
LIKE String Comparison Test
BETWEEN Between an inclusive range

If the column using the WHERE clause is one of character data types, we must also enclose the value in quotes (single or double dependant on the database that you are using). In contrast, if the column using the WHERE clause is of numeric data type, you can't enclose the value in quotes.

Now, lets see a couple of examples of using the WHERE clause in the SQL SELECT statement. We will use the following Employee data table:

EmpName EmpAddress EmpTown EmpPostcode EmpAge
Elaine Jones 1 Old Road Manchester M27 1SN 28
David Thomas 245 Lane End Lincoln LN34 2TH 41
Simon Lee 9 Swallow Lane Wigan WN3 0NR 58
Leslie Ward 3 North End Road Nottingham NG8 2LJ 30
Harry Webb 1002 Trinity Road Sth Swindon SN2 1JH 22
Ronny Scott 1 The Lane Nottingham NG25 9LK 55
Janet Fuller 14 Garrett Hill London SW1 40
Sally Timmings Edgeham Hollow London WE3 19

If we want to view the details of all of the Employees that live in London, we should use the following:

FROM tblEmployee
WHERE EmpTown = 'London'

Notice that we have enclosed the EmpTown value in quotes, as the data type for this column is text. The results from this query would give us:

EmpName EmpAddress EmpTown EmpPostcode EmpAge
Janet Fuller 14 Garrett Hill London SW1 55
Sally Timmings Edgeham Hollow London WE3 40

If we want to view details of the Employees we have that are older than 30, then we would need to use the following query - notice this time that our where clause does not include quotes as the data type of the EmpAge column is numeric:

FROM tblEmployee
WHERE EmpAge > 30

This time we will be returned the following results to our query:

EmpName EmpAddress EmpTown EmpPostcode EmpAge
Elaine Jones 1 Old Road Manchester M27 1SN 41
Ronny Scott 1 The Lane Nottingham NG25 9LK 58
Janet Fuller 14 Garrett Hill London SW1 55
Sally Timmings Edgeham Hollow London WE3 40

What we should try to remember is to always include a WHERE clause in your SQL SELECT statement to limit the number of results that the query will return. If you don't use the WHERE clause, then SQL Server will perform a table scan of your table and return all of the rows.

In some case you may want to return all of the database rows, and not using an SQL WHERE clause is appropriate in this case. But if you don't need all the rows returned, use a WHERE clause to limit the number of rows returned.

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